Saving made fun and simple

Staking on NBX launches with Cardano.
Earn around 3% yearly with payouts every 5th day. Learn more in FAQs.

We have updated our terms of service in relations to claiming rewards after the Plomin Hardfork. Staking is now fully functioning again.

Let your crypto work for you

Get rewarded when you stake your assets to help verify and secure transactions on the Cardano blockchain. Taking part in the financial services of the future and earning passive income on your cryptocurrency holdings is simple.

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  • Worry-free, no penalties staking. You do not risk any deduction of funds through staking on Cardano with NBX.

  • Your ADA is not locked during staking. Enjoy complete control over your funds. Unstake anytime you want.

  • Rewards are automatically included in further staking. You do not need to micromanage your stake.

Frequently asked questions

What is delegation in Cardano staking?

Delegation does not involve a transfer of funds. It simply gives a staking pool permission to use your ADA to participate in producing blocks for the blockchain through a delegation certificate. You will be rewarded in proportion to the amount of ADA delegated.

Where do I stake Cardano?

NBX operates what is called a staking pool, to which customer funds are delegated when they stake with us. You could also delegate to our staking pool or another staking pool through a Cardano ecosystem wallet.

What is Cardano staking?

Staking in Cardano is having your held ADA (what you have at stake) used in a process that helps secure the blockchain. In return, you get rewards from the protocol.

What is the saturation point for staking on Cardano?

At the time of writing, this was around 70 million ADA (per October 2022) to a single staking pool. This is subject to change. NBX will monitor this carefully to make sure customers have optimal rewards from staking.

Can I lose ADA by staking?

You do not risk losing ADA from penalties or “slashing”. However, market volatility does affect what price you can sell your ADA for. NBX also takes a cost for transactions made during staking.

Is my staked ADA locked up for a long time when I stake?

No. When staking in Cardano you can also withdraw your stake, and there is no lock-up period. NBX still has to process all the transactions, but there will not be any lock-up periods for Cardano staking.

Does staking help with the development of Cardano?

Every 5th day 20% of the pot for rewards automaticall goes to the Cardano treasury and is redistributed for development through governance. In this way, staking not only helps secure the network, but also contributes to development on Cardano and its ecosystem.

NBX delegation in Cardano governance

We at NBX believe that we should only delegate our vote to the abstain DRep (an automatic vote of abstain to governance actions through the protocol) on behalf of our customers so our customers who agree to our terms of service can continue to receive rewards also after the Plomin hardfork.

Does NBX have a rewards yield?

NBX takes 10% of the rewards yield to shoulder costs as a custodian.

Do I need to do anything to accrue rewards after staking Cardano?

In Cardano, the delegator does not need to do any form of active work for rewards after delegating. As long as the staking pool is producing blocks, rewards will accrue over time. NBX operates the staking pool for delegations from our customers, and carefully monitors pool performance to get optimal rewards.

Do I need to claim my rewards in Cardano to be able to use them for funds on NBX?

Yes. This is because the rewards are on a separate account. When you claim your rewards, they are transferred to your NBX account, and you are free to use your ADA.

Do I need to claim rewards every epoch to have a compounding effect on my stake in Cardano?

No, staking rewards are automatically staked by the protocol so you automatically get a compounding effect. 

How large is the reserve pot used for rewards on Cardano?

The reserve pot is the difference between the hard limit of 45 billion ADA and the current circulating supply. On 3rd of october 2017 the reserve pot was around 20.7 billion ADA. At the end of May 2022 the reserve pot was around 11.2 billion ADA. Every epoch currently at the time of writing 0.3% of the reserve is used for rewards.

Where do rewards come from in Cardano?

Rewards come from fees on the network as well as inflation caused by adding rewards from a reserve pot. Cardano is reducing its inflation rate yearly, while fees are becoming an increasing source of rewards.

How do I claim rewards in Cardano?

After your staked ADA has generated rewards you will be able to claim these on the Cardano staking app. Claiming rewards will incur a transaction fee, as funds are moved from the staking rewards account to your balance at NBX.

How much ADA will I get rewarded annually?

The staking pool of NBX has historically had an average yearly reward to delegators of over 4% but this has dropped gradually in 2023 and at the start of 2024 the yield is expected to be around 3%. The annual rewards will vary depending on many variables such as on how much ADA is delegated to the staking pool. Over time, rewards are likely to be somewhere around 3% annually as of current data. You can read more about rewards estimates here.

How are rewards generated in Cardano?

Rewards are based on how many blocks a staking pool secures during an epoch. The number of blocks is semi-random, meaning rewards may vary from epoch to epoch.

How long does it take from delegation to rewards in Cardano?

NBX staking follows the Cardano protocol, which is a 4 epoch process starting the epoch after you register for staking. In the first epoch after staking, a snapshot is taken of the stake amount. In the second epoch, your staked ADA helps to secure the blockchain. In the third epoch, rewards are calculated. Finally, in the fourth epoch, rewards are distributed. This process means that rewards can take up to 20 days the first time you stake. After that, you will be paid rewards every 5 days. You can read more about the delegation cycle here.

How decentralized is Cardano?

Cardano is arguably one of the most decentralized proof of stake cryptocurrencies, with around 3000 staking pools. These are run either by single pool operators or operators running multiple pools.

How much energy does Cardano consume to secure the blockchain?

The proof of stake method of Cardano is energy-efficient compared to other blockchain technologies. In a blog post by IOHK (development company for Cardano) they estimate that the energy usage is 0.01% of Bitcoin.

Is there a hard limit on the total number of ADA?

Yes, Cardano has a hard limit of 45,000,000,000 ADA for maximum supply.

What are epochs and slots in Cardano?

Epochs lasts for 5 days in the Ouroboros-protocol, which Cardano uses to secure the network. Slots happen every 1 second but on average, a block updating transactions on the Cardano blockchain happens every 20 seconds.

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