What trading pairs is available for USDM currently?
USDM is offered as an USDM/ADA trading pair. If you as a customer see a need for other trading pairs please send our support team feedback on this.
Can I mint and redeem USDM through NBX in the EU?
Minting and Redemption of USDM through NBX as a co-issuer of USDM in the EU will be available in Q1 2025.
Are there going to be any fees on redeeming USDM through NBX?
The redemption of a fiat backed stablecoin in the EU under MiCA requires that there is no fees to the redemption process. NBX will therefore not have any cost to the actual redemption of USDM on the NBX platform.
What is the environmental impact of USDM in terms of energy used?
As a Cardano Native Token USDM is a highly energy efficient stablecoin for transactions using an estimated 168 kWH per 1 million transactions.
Where can I learn more about Moneta the main issuer and rights holder of USDM?
Information on Moneta can be found through their
Where can I verify the reserve of USD for USDM minted?
Charli3 is a third party oracle that verifies the amount of USD in the USDM reserve daily that is viewable on this