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The work that went into supporting claim rewards

Eystein Hansen
February 14, 2025
2 minutes

The work that went into supporting claim rewards for Cardano staking again
We would like to thank our customers for their patience in waiting for the claiming rewards functionality to be back after the Plomin hardfork. We have now solved the claim reward issue and staking service is now fully functioning again. In doing this work NBX team contributed to the Cardano Python Library called pycardano with two issues and suggested fixes related to certificate types for staking and voting delegation as well as fixing a small discrepancy for staking keys in preparation for this hard fork for the benefit of the entire Cardano Ecosystem.  

While we did not finish all the logic in time for the actual hard fork we have worked as quickly as we could on this and now have an internal logic for including vote delegation to the AlwaysAbstain DRep both for new customers and for existing customers.

In doing this we also had to write new terms of service to make it clear to our users that if they want to use our services they have to allow us to delegate to the AlwaysAbstain DRep so we could be compliant with the Cardano Delegated Approved Constitution that is likely to be enacted soon. It is important to note that you as an owner of Ada will upon enactment of the constitution have a Cardano ecosystem constitution right to use third-party custodians per the Cardano blockchain, and may authorize or withdraw authorization for such third parties. To try to honor this we therefore have in our terms of service a clause related to how you give your authorization to us to delegate to the Abstain DRep using our services. You may remove your stake from our service if you want to withdraw your authorization for us to delegate to the Abstain DRep. You can read more in the separate blog entry on the update to our terms of service. 

We again thank you for your patience, and we are cheering for Cardano in this exiting time for its young governance system with a constitution written by the community itself as represented by the delegates who first voted yes with 95% majority and now likely reaching the tresholds of the on-chain vote itself soon.

Additional Resources

  • For Cardano price movements, visit our dedicated Cardano Price page.
  • Compare Cardano with other blockchain market caps on our overview page.
  • NBX offers Cardano Staking through our platform and directly to the pool with ticker ANP.

Disclaimer: This article is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice.

Eystein Hansen
February 14, 2025
2 minutes
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