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Update on the Cardano roadmap worked on by Intersect

Eystein Hansen
August 9, 2024
2 minutes

Update on the Cardano roadmap worked on by Intersect
The Cardano core infrastructure working group helps facilitate the community-approved Cardano roadmap. NBX is proud to have two members in the working group that focuses on Cardano Core Infrastructure. The process flow from community proposals until a final delivery of a scheduled roadmap consists of a drafting, refining, approving, and delivering phase with the Cardano community being part of the process from the start. The current state is about Cardano Continuity which has 9 items in its backlog that are being delivered with Intersect coordination. The full list of inflight items that currently holds 13 published items can be found here. One example is the ability to move more of the ledger state from memory to disk and as they note in the documentation “Once achieved, this will enable Cardano to reach Bitcoin scale in terms of the number of users & wallets and the size of the UTxO set.”.  It is truly remarkable to see how the community itself pushes Cardano forward and it will be exiting to see what new items will be proposed for example through Cardano Improvement Proposals

As a reminder If you want to follow the Cardano price movements we have created a dedicated page for the Cardano Price you can find it here, or if you want to compare Cardano with other blockchain marketcaps we have an overview page here. We also offer Cardano Staking through our platform as well as directly to the pool with ticker ANP.

This text is intended to inform and is not an investment recommendation.

Eystein Hansen
August 9, 2024
2 minutes
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