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Ethereum Prague-Electra (Pectra) hard fork update

Eystein Hansen
June 11, 2024
2 minutes

Prague-Electra (PECTRA) upgrade
According to, the community is still debating what will be in the Prague Execution layer and Electra Consensus layer hard fork. However there seems to be consensus to some of the Ethereum Improvement Proposals that will be included such as described in EIP-7600. Some of the updates include reducing deposit time from around 12 hours to around 13 minutes,  allowing validators with larger than 32 Ethereum staked (up to 2048 according to this article), or even more efficient inclusion of attestation data in blocks. Another interesting aspect is EIP-7702 proposed among others by Vitalk will allow smart contracts to act as Ethereum accounts in so-called account abstraction as described in this article. In short many of the updates are targeting improvements of Ethereum staking. Currently, around 32 million Ethereum is staked at the time of writing (11th June 2024) according to The hard forks are expected by Q1, 2025 while some sources discuss it could even happen as soon as Q4 2024. 

Ethereum Price page, and our price landing page
As a reminder if you want to follow the Ethereum price movements we have created a dedicated page for Ethereum price, or if you want to compare Ethereum with other blockchain marketcaps we have an overview price page.This text is intended to inform and is not an investment recommendation.

Eystein Hansen
June 11, 2024
2 minutes
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