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Your iPhone is your Wallet.

Apple Pay is an easy, secure, and private way to pay. Now available on your Apple devices.

Buy crypto safe and securely.

Buy Bitcoin and trade various cryptocurrencies like Ethereum, Cardano, USDC, Ripple, and Solana with a card or bank transfer. Get also Bitcoin cashback with the NBX Visa credit card.

Den NBX kryptobørsen på iPhone12.Skjermbilde av den NBX-kryptoplattformen på iPhone 12.
Skjermbilde av den NBX-kryptoplattformen på iPhone 12.


Just getting started? Use our quick buy and sell feature, and get your crypto within minutes.


Enjoy the ride with the most popular cryptos through an advanced but intuitive trading interface.


Put Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies on your company's balance sheet, or trade them securely.


Your Peace of Mind

Convenient platform offering seamless trading experience of digital assets. NBX helps you to experience the next generation of financial technology and utilize its benefits.


All deposits, including crypto transfers, are free of charge. Enjoy a low 0.7% trading fee and a good spread on the market. Deposit EUR, NOK, SEK or DKK with your bank account, or simply use a card.

Credit Card

Get up to 4% cashback in Bitcoin on your purchases with the NBX crypto credit card. The best way to accumulate crypto. Sign up for the waiting list here.
NBX cryptocurrency exchange platform screenshot on iPhone 12 and the NBX credit card


NBX is registered with The Financial Supervisory Authority of Norway, forming a safe and legitimate space to trade cryptocurrency. We secure your crypto and provide insurance.


Use our app to trade or monitor your portfolio on the go, wherever you are. Download from App Store or get it on Google Play.
This Visa card is issued by Enfuce pursuant to licence by VISA Europe Limited. Enfuce is duly authorised and regulated by Finnish Financial Supervisory Authority as an Electronic Money Payment Institution under the Financial Institution Act 1994. Company registration number 2992502-3. NBX is a financial agent on behalf of Nordiska Financial Partner Norway AS.


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